Posts Tagged ‘Seesmic’

Twitter predictions

November 4, 2009

What does the future of Twitter look like? According to Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur, Twitter will be used more by devices than humans and replace chat applications for many people.
Le Meur said, “I recently gave a short talk at Jeff Pulver’s 140conf in Los Angeles and since I did not have enough time and some of you were interested I put together this video with the 30 predictions.”

What are your predictions?

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Hiring with Twitter

September 6, 2009
Twitter’s uses are constantly increasing, and the site’s versatility is now being used to find employees. As more and more job searchers look for positions via Twitter, organizations should take this opportunity to find candidates in a new way.
“If you’re constantly on the lookout for talent, your goal is to create what I call a ‘pull’ strategy for recruitment — you want to pull candidates in even when you’re not actively searching for them. This contrasts with what a lot of companies do, which is wait for an opening to occur and ‘push’ out employment ads in order to attract job seekers. On the surface this might sound easy, but it does take some planning. You need to build a foundation so you’re not viewed as just constantly recruiting,” says Mashable writer Sharlyn Lauby.
Here is Lauby’s list- “5 ways to leverage Twitter to find employees:”
  1. Connect with People in Your Industry or Local Areas. Get to know nearby Tweeters. Use apps like TwitterLocal or Tweetmondo to find local users; these online contacts can become face-to-face contacts via Tweetups, and can aid in finding good candidates.
  2. Organize your Connections. Make sure to keep Twitter friends separate from business contacts. Use applications like Tweetdeck or Seesmic to help.
  3. Post Jobs Directly (and Get Your Network to RT Them).
  4. Search using Hashtags (or Create Your Own!). Hashtags are essentially a way for Twitter users to organize tweets under topical tags that are included in the tweet itself. You can use a hashtag of a job opening to have it show up more readily in search queries.
  5. Set up Alerts. Use alert systems like Google Alerts and Notify Me to see what jobs are being offered. You can also see if anyone else on Twitter is recruiting for a specific position you are interested in.

For more information about hiring with Twitter and the list above, check out this Mashable post.

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