Posts Tagged ‘job search’

Recruiting through Social Media

May 30, 2012

“Social media touches every facet of business and is more an extension of good business ethics.”

-Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics

When recruiting through social media, think of these tools in the following ways:

1) FacebookThe Coffee Shop. Fans see updates in real time so you can post about job openings, trade shows, etc. You can also create pages for job listings.

2) TwitterThe Speed Date. Include links to job postings. Can post several times a day. You can get conversations started here very easily.

3) Your BlogThe Open House. Your blog shows off your business’ personality and is a great venue for posting job openings.

4) LinkedInThe Networking Event. Users can follow your company page and you can post jobs inexpensively on your Career page.

5) YouTubeThe Public Access Cable Channel. Videos can showcase your company so prospects can “meet” the people or place they will be working with/at. You can also create a recruiting “commercial”.

For more information on recruiting through social media, click here.

Using social networking to find a job

August 13, 2009
Check out these 10 social networking sites for finding a job:
  1. LinkedIn
  2. Plaxo (with Simply Hired)
  3. Twitter With Blog or LinkedIn URL
  4. Jobster
  5. Facebook
  6. Craigslist
  7. MyWorkster (with Indeed)
  8. VisualCV
  9. JobFox
  10. Ecademy

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